Categorie: Blog

STAR: Shifting Timelines towards PEACE | 21/10/23

A Message from STAR 😊 Om Shanti Om! Every time we sing a song we open our heart to a new reality. This reality is called: Love… Unity… Amongst each other… Open… Heart Field…, etc.. It opens us up to a new reality that in fact is very ancient and old. It’s Unity Consciousness. This reality opens up when we…

Free as a Nomad – 14/10/23

This poem came through me in a most magical Choco Bliss Ceremony where I was allowed to download large parts of my Higher & Extraterrestrial/Isis Self. I ended up in my heart, completely utterly overflowing with deep Love, Unity, Grace, Abundance, Trust and a FREE feeling of Being the Soul that I am. So grateful…. —————— Free! Free as a…


BLOG 7: “Welcome Lady Isis, My Beloved Oversoul” | 4/7/23

“Welcome Lady Isis, My Beloved Oversoul!” This sentence I uttered last Friday towards the end of a very special Cacao Ceremony co led by 10 beautiful Lightworkers. “My name is Esther Anand Devi and it is my intention to honor and revere the Goddess within me”. My intention was clearly set & met… and how..!? When my body was unwinding…

BLOG 6: Het Grote Voel & Benoem Ascensie Spel | 8/6/23

Om Shanti Om! Als we naar binnen gaan en kijken wat daar is, wat vinden we dan ècht? Wat komen we tegen, diep in onszelf? De tijden veranderen in een rap tempo en waar VOELEN lange tijd een gevaarlijke exercitie leek, of alleen toebedeeld aan de lichte “positieve” gevoelens, zo gaan we nu steeds meer “Ascensionele Vaart” maken in de…

Boodschap van Aartsengel Michael 17/2/23

— See English message below 🙂 — Aartsengel Michael is hier. Altijd zorg ik voor de Gewonden van het Hart, de Gewonden van de Ziel en de Gewonden van het Lijf. Ik ‘heers’ niet meer alleen, zoals vroeger soms het geval was. Ik ‘heers’ met talloze Nieuwetijdse Engelwezens aan mijn zijde over de Ascensie processen van de Mensheid. Elke keer…

Blog 3: Homesick for Ancient Egypt 16/1/23

What happens to us when we travel back in time? We can get touched… We can get touched by words, images, sacredness, visions, portraits, feelings etc. We get touched by Remembrance of something. Something deep, hiding or hidden inside ourselves. Sometimes we get touched by something and we have no clue what really touched us, or why. Is that okay?…

Make a wish - paardebloem - Sanistrellla

Blog 2: See, Smile, Breathe and…. Let go! 09/01/23

Here we speak, as a Higher Self, called Anand Devi, Goddess of Blissfulness. Are we always in Bliss..? I doubt it 🙂 As a Higher Self I observe many waveforms passing through during the day (and even the night 🙂). As a Higher Self I always try to connect ‘us’ as swiftly as I can to this place again. This…