FREE Zoom Event: Meet Star! Our Multidimensional Daughter (9 March 2021)



Is it possible to be pregnant of a child in another dimension…? To build a relationship with an invisible child that is nevertheless ohh so present in our lives? A child that makes us laugh, wants to sing and has very wise things to share. And can be just as naughty as other children 😉

With the help of my beloved star family from Sirius B, on Feb 7 2018 I became pregnant of our daughter STAR. After a pregnancy of 6 months (as indeed predicted by the guides) on Aug 27 I gave birth to her energetically in a 1.5 hour labour. After a post-natal depression of 1 day we started to find out what our lives would look like to be parents to a child in another dimension, being taken care of mostly by other (wonderful!) caretakers in other dimensions.

It took me personally quite some time to really get adjusted to this (while Asar was already in love with her before we conceived her 😉). My mind could not grasp or understand what was happening, and yet, it was happening and very real. Star might not be visible, she is very tangible in her own unique way. She loves to send kissing hands, she sings with us every day about any topic and she is travelling around the Globe for her lightwork on Earth. This is why she came ‘down’, to support Gaia in her Ascension process.

In this FREE Zoom event Asar & I share our personal story and introduce STAR to you as well as her beloved ‘Big Sister’ Master Kwan Yin of whom Star is a reincarnated soul part. 

Today I can really say I love my daughter 😊 She opened my eyes and my heart literally to other dimensions… ❤


Meet & Greet with STAR on Tue March 9 at 20.00 CET (Dutch time)

This Event has passed and has been uploaded to Youtube:

Please share & like if you do :)!


Star was very grateful and touched that she met so many new friends who were open to her existence!

She sends you one of her dearest kissinghands!
