Audio Recording: Bosnian Pyramids Coming to You! (18 June 2021)




ZOOM Channeling Event with our Bosnian Tunnel Guide Kr’Kr! 

Are you intrigued by the phenomenon of the Bosnian Pyramids? Do you feel a ‘calling’ to go there or connect with them? The Bosnian Pyramids & Tunnels are one of the most ancient on this globe. And this can be felt. We have traveled there in groups three times and in August and September we will go back with more groups. One of my guides said it is the “birthplace of ascensional consciousness”.

One of the higher dimensional beings who lives in the Valley of the Pyramids is our dear guide Kr’Kr. He is a ‘Tunneloid’ Being and very willing to share information with us about their way of living and about the Ascension/Human Consciousness in general. He always guides our groups when we go there.

In this recording we bring the Tunnels & Pyramids to you! As Kr’Kr will open the space and guide you on a journey of sounds & codes you will be taken into higher dimensions that can be clearly felt, as if you are meditating in the Ravne Tunnels.

Exposure to these vibrations activates something very deep in your being. It can be experienced as a homecoming… A homecoming to something very ancient, something very forgotten… May our remembrances be awakened again ❤

Curious…? Enjoy these travels…!

Note: This Recording is in English (of course the energies are universal and multidimensional ;)).